Frequently Asked Questions regarding Block Puzzle Instant Game
Block Puzzle is free to play.
You can remove the game in your settings on Facebook at any given time:
We can assure you: Block Puzzle doesn’t sell user data to third parties.
We can also assure you: Block Puzzle doesn’t analyze or research data for political or comparable purposes, nor does Block Puzzle cooperate with companies or organizations that do so.
When you play the Block Puzzle game, your e-mail address is NOT submitted to us and thus, neither received nor saved on our side. We also don’t have access to data of your friends. We also don’t have access to your friend list.
Block Puzzle Instant Game data processing description
I) Playing the Game
If you give permission and play the game, we get access to the following of your data provided by the Facebook Instant Game SDK:
- Player ID (app-scoped ID)
- Your Profile Picture
- First Name (Player’s public first name)
- Locale (public language the player uses within Facebook)
You can remove the Game in your settings on Facebook at any given time:
Then we don’t have access to the data mentioned above anymore.
In order to generate your individual quiz game result image we process the data mentioned above and create an image composition for you. This quiz game result image is displayed on your specific device within the game played only. It is not stored on our servers. The same applies also to text possibly entered by you, your answer choices – this data is not saved on our side, it’s only processed for the result image composition for you.
If you actively decide to share this image on Facebook (e.g. by clicking the share button), it is sent to Facebook where it is going to be part of the shared feed posting.
Only you decide who is allowed to see it through the settings within the FB share dialogue:

We have no access to these shared images within Facebook.
You can remove all of these postings/shared images you made easily yourself at any given time directly on Facebook:

For this use-case described above (playing the game) no user-data is stored on our servers. We also don’t share this data with third parties.
We don’t share this data with third parties.
We do not process or transmit the data for purposes other than those stated above. This is monitored by our external data protection officer and our services are in full compliance with the regulations of GDPR.
We hope this information is helpful to you.
Have fun playing Block Puzzle 🙂
Your Block Puzzle Support Team